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Геосферные исследования. 2019; : 35-45

Прогноз максимального стока реки Мармарик и оценка его реакции на глобальное изменение климата (Армения)

Маргарян В. Г.



В работе рассматриваются особенности формирования максимальных расходов р. Мармарик, оценены закономерности многолетних колебаний максимальных расходов в разных речных створах в контексте глобального изменения климата, сделан сравнительный анализ, дан прогноз максимального расхода для замыкающего речного створа. В качестве исходного материала использованы фактические данные наблюдений Армгидромета. Проанализированы и использованы литературные источники, применены математико-статистический, географический, а также методы сравнения и анализа.

Список литературы

1. Аполлов Б.А., Калинин Г.П., Комаров В.Д. Курс гидрологических прогнозов. Л. : Гидрометеоиздат, 1974. 422 с.

2. Георгиевский Ю.М., Шаночкин С.В. Гидрологические прогнозы : учеб. СПб. : Изд. РГГМУ, 2007. 436 с.

3. Гидрография Армянской ССР. Ереван : Изд-во АН Арм. ССР, 1981. 177 с. На армян. яз.

4. Маргарян В.Г. Методика долгосрочного прогнозирования вегетационного и годового стока водомерного поста Анкаван реки Мармарик // Научная конференция по современным проблемам географии и геологии : сб. науч. тр. конф., посвящ. 90-летию со дня рождения проф. П.С. Бошнагяна. Ереван : Изд-во ЕГУ, 2011. С. 95–103. На армян. яз.

5. Маргарян В.Г. Особенности формирования и внутригодового распределения стока реки Мармарик // Научная конференция по современным проблемам геологии, географии и экологии : сб. науч. тр. конф., посвящ. 70-летию со дня рождения доцента Э.Х. Харазяна. Ереван : Тигран Мец, 2014. С. 226–240. На армян. яз.

6. Маргарян В.Г., Варданян Т.Г. Закономерности пространственно-временного распределения стока весенних половодий реки Мармарик // Ученые записки Ереванского государственного университета. Геология и география. 2011. № 1. С. 30–39. На армян. яз.

7. Наставление по службе прогнозов Разд. 3. Служба гидрологических прогнозов. Ч. 1: Прогнозы режима вод суши. Л. : Гидрометеоиздат, 1962. 192 с.

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11. Шагинян М.В. Основные закономерности формирования элементов стока рек Армянской ССР и методика их прогнозирования. Л. : Гидрометеоиздат, 1981. 176 с.

12. Armenia’s Third National Communication on Climate Change. Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan : Lusabats, 2015. 165 p.

13. Complex Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of Marmarik River Basin of Armenia Prepared in the frame of the “Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Armenia’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC” UNDP/GEF/00035196 Project. Yerevan, 2009. 16 p.

14. Margaryan V.G. Marmarik Rivers Runoff in Global Warming Climate Conditions. Abstracts of the 32th International Geographical Congress “Down to Earth”. Cologne, Germany, 2012. P. 42–43.

15. Margaryan V.G. The Assessment of the Most Extreme Values Changes of Marmarik River Flow (in the Hankavan Hydrological Point) for Spring Floods on the Context of Global Climate Change. Book of Abstracts: GEWEX Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop 6th-8th September. Boulder, CO, USA, 2016. P. 89.

16. Margaryan V.G. Assessment and management challenge of maximum river flow of the spring flood risk of Marmarik Rivers // Hidrolohiiа, hidrokhimiiа i hidroekolohiiа: The scientific collection. 2018. № 4 (51). P. 56–63.

17. Vardanian T.G. Specific features of extreme maximum river runoffs in the context of global climate change (case study of the rivers of the republic of Armenia) // Uchenyye zapiski RGGMU. Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. 2017. № 46. Р. 43–50.

Geosphere Research. 2019; : 35-45

Forecast of the maximum flow Marmarik River and reactions of the global climate change (Armenia)

Margaryan V. G.



The paper discusses and analyzes the peculiarities of formation of maximum flow rates of the Marmarik River, analyzes and evaluates the patterns of multi-year fluctuations of maximum flow rates in different river sites in the context of global climate change, made a comparative analysis, gave a forecast of the maximum flow rate for the lower river course. Actual observational data of Armhydromet for maximum flow rate, air temperature and precipitation were used as the source material.

The available literature sources were processed and analyzed, the mathematical-statistical, geographical, and also methods of comparison and analysis were applied. To determine the maximum flow rates of the Marmarik River, the Ankavan post and the Gomur River, the Meghradzor post, the winter period precipitation, the sum of positive temperatures, liquid precipitation, the volume of the runoff of the flood period were used, but no reliable dependencies were obtained. Dependencies obtained can be used for consultations.

To determine the maximum flow at the Aghavnadzor post of the Marmarik River, a multifactorial correlation close relationship was obtained, which can be used to compile operational forecasts of the maximum flow in this river site.

The absolute values of the maximum river flow of the Marmarik River at Aghavnadzor are estimated for different scenarios of climate change. For different scenarios and cases in the Marmarik River basin, a different degree of changes in the maximum flow might be expected. Moreover, the largest decrease in the maximum runoff of the Marmarik River basin is expected under the conditions of an increase in the average air temperature of the spring season by 2.7–3.9 and a decrease in the amount of spring atmospheric precipitation by 2.4–2.6%.

As a result of the study, it turned out that in the study area there is only a tendency to decrease the values of maximum water discharge which is the result of both human activities and climate change.


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12. Armenia’s Third National Communication on Climate Change. Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan : Lusabats, 2015. 165 p.

13. Complex Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of Marmarik River Basin of Armenia Prepared in the frame of the “Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Armenia’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC” UNDP/GEF/00035196 Project. Yerevan, 2009. 16 p.

14. Margaryan V.G. Marmarik Rivers Runoff in Global Warming Climate Conditions. Abstracts of the 32th International Geographical Congress “Down to Earth”. Cologne, Germany, 2012. P. 42–43.

15. Margaryan V.G. The Assessment of the Most Extreme Values Changes of Marmarik River Flow (in the Hankavan Hydrological Point) for Spring Floods on the Context of Global Climate Change. Book of Abstracts: GEWEX Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop 6th-8th September. Boulder, CO, USA, 2016. P. 89.

16. Margaryan V.G. Assessment and management challenge of maximum river flow of the spring flood risk of Marmarik Rivers // Hidrolohiia, hidrokhimiia i hidroekolohiia: The scientific collection. 2018. № 4 (51). P. 56–63.

17. Vardanian T.G. Specific features of extreme maximum river runoffs in the context of global climate change (case study of the rivers of the republic of Armenia) // Uchenyye zapiski RGGMU. Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. 2017. № 46. R. 43–50.